What Are the Signs of Hail Damage on a Roof?

What Are the Signs of Hail Damage on a Roof? post thumbnail

Experiencing a hailstorm in your area is enough to be concerned about your roof. Hail is a significant reason why insurance policies pay roof claims. But how do you identify hail damage on your roof? Not knowing the areas to inspect or what to look out for on your roof after a hailstorm might rob you of insurance coverage because you wouldn’t know if you need to file an insurance claim. 

In this article, we will address the common questions people ask about hail damage, including what it looks like on your roof and whether insurance will cover a hail-damaged roof. Make sure you keep reading to find your answers.

What Does Hail Damage Look Like on a Roof?

Depending on the size of the hail, it can be really easy or tricky to spot damage caused by hail. If the hail is large, it will make noticeable dents on your shingles. But before we go ahead to discuss the signs to identify hail damage, it is vital to know the different variables of hail. These variables influence the kind of signs you’ll see. Hence, there is a need to know them and how they cause damage to your roof.

The variables include the following:

Hail Shape

Hail comes in chunks, and their shape will influence the level of damage they will cause to your roof. The more spherical the chunks are, the more structural damage they will cause. They can cause your shingles to shatter or create huge dents on them. However, if the chunks are flat and shaped like daggers, they will most likely cause less damage, like scratches.

Hail Size

This variable is very significant regarding how much damage it will cause to your roof. Large chunks of hail will, obviously, cause more damage. The size of hail chunks is usually between 1 and 2.5 inches in diameter, which is close to a softball’s size.

Hail Density

If the density of a huge hailstone is low, its impact will be low, regardless of its size, and vice versa. This is so because hail can be either solid or soft ice. It is sometimes a mixture of heavy ice and light snow. When the temperature is lower, hail tends to have a higher density.

Wind Direction

The wind’s direction is a variable that is not so significant. However, it could cause less or more damage to your roof. If the wind blows the hail in one direction, there might be less damage, as the hail will be concentrated in the wind’s direction rather than the whole roof. If the storm happens to be a weak one with less heavy winds, your roof may experience more damage as it may affect more parts than when the wind blows in one direction.

Wind Strength

The strength of the wind that blows during a hail storm has more impact than its direction. Typically, hailstones hit your roof at about 44 to 72 miles per hour. Hence, when the hail comes to your roof really fast, you should know there will be significant damage. Observing the wind speed during a hailstorm can give you an idea of what to expect and whether you should worry about your roof’s safety.

Roofing Materials

Roofs can be made of asphalt, metal shingles, wood shakes, clay tiles, rolled roofing, etc. The type of material used for your roof will determine how much harm the hail will cause your roof.

Most roofs are vulnerable to hail damage, whether soft or hard. However, softer roofing materials are more prone to dents and bruises, while hard ones are prone to crack or shatter.

Aside from the material of your roof, its age also plays a significant role. Aged roofs have a higher chance of getting damaged by hail. So, the newer the roof, the higher the resistance to hailstorms.

Signs of Hail Damage on a Roof

  • Marks, dents, and dings: These are the most noticeable signs you’ll observe on your roof after a hailstorm. So look out for them at the end of a storm, as they will be potentially present.
  • Damaged shingles: Broken, cracked, or fractured shingles are another sign to look out for. Hail is one of the few natural forces that can wreck shingles. Shingles are usually sturdy and resistant to high winds, heavy rainfall, and other severe weather conditions. But in the case of a severe hailstorm, they aren’t so resistant, and you may see displaced shingles lying around your home.
  • Damaged fiberglass: most shingles have different layers of materials for the sake of protection. However, when your roof is exposed to hail, the fiberglass glass gets exposed or damaged. If your fiberglass glass is lying under the top layer, it may be challenging to detect when damage is done to it. In the case of exposure, it makes your roof weak. However, it might take an expert roofer assessing your roof to detect the damage.
  • Soft spots: If you find areas that are softer than other parts of the roof and feel bouncy, it’s an indication that hail has damaged your roof. However, this sign isn’t easily noticeable except when you get on your roof and go around it to check for soft areas. 

Can Hail Damage Be Repaired?

Damaged roof caused by hailstorm

Now, this is another concern of homeowners, especially those who have experienced a hailstorm. Well, good news for you. You can fix hail damage to your roof. The duration for repair varies based on the severity of the damage. Some might take a few hours, while others might take a couple of days. To fix hail damage, you might need to replace some shingles or the whole roof.

To fix damage caused to your roof by hail, the first thing to do is invite a roofing expert to thoroughly assess the level of damage done to your roof and proffer the best possible solution.

Will Insurance Cover Your Roof Damage Due to Hail?

Home insurance usually covers most of the repair costs for your roof, windows, and siding. However, you must put an insurance claim in place and fix an inspection as soon as you can.

Now, the question that follows is, if you experience a hail dam, will your insurance company pay for a complete replacement? 

The answer depends on the insurance policy type, though it mostly depends on having a damaged roof. The two types of insurance policies are actual cash value (ACV) and replacement cost value (RCV). Although both will pay you for hail damage, there is a difference in the payments.

An ACV policy offers decreased value for your damaged roof. This means that your insurance will pay you the current worth of your roof. RCV, on the other hand, may offer you a payoff for the replacement of your damaged roof with a new one.  


Now that you know the signs to look out for after a hailstorm and if your insurance company will cover the cost of replacement, you know what to do if you ever experience a hailstorm.

Before hail can cause damage to your roof, it has to have a diameter of about 1”. If this size of hail falls on your roof, your insurance claim should be applicable. However, it depends on your specified policy and adjuster.

It’s quite unfortunate that the insurance procedure can be very demanding. But it’s even more unfortunate that many homeowners do not know what to expect. Hence, they go through hurdles during the process. Thankfully, you’ve read this article and know what to do in case of hailstorm damage to your roof.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will hail damage lead to a roof leak?

Generally, hail damage does not cause a roof to leak. Hence, you have nothing to worry about. But will the damage shorten your roof’s lifespan? Without a doubt, yes!

How much hail damage leads to a roof replacement?

Although the amount of hail counts, the size of each chunk that hits your roof is what matters more. For hail to cause obvious damage to an asphalt roof, it has to have a diameter of about 1” or more. 

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