Roof Education

Common Corners Cut by Inexperienced or Careless Roofers post thumbnail

Common Corners Cut by Inexperienced or Careless Roofers

Most roofing companies in the State of Florida hire cheap freelance roofing crews to install [...]
William Workman
Storm Roof Damage : Who Do You Call First for After a Storm? post thumbnail

Storm Roof Damage : Who Do You Call First for After a Storm?

What do you do when you experience storm roof damage after a storm? Do you [...]
George Beltran
What Is the Best Roofing Material for Hot Climates? post thumbnail

What Is the Best Roofing Material for Hot Climates?

Roofs do more than protect you and your properties from the sun and elements. When [...]
George Beltran
Roof Tree Damage: Causes, Solutions, and Preventive Measures post thumbnail

Roof Tree Damage: Causes, Solutions, and Preventive Measures

Trees are essential to our ecosystem and serve several purposes for property owners, including aesthetics, [...]
George Beltran
Soundproofing Your Roof: How to Create a Serene Home post thumbnail

Soundproofing Your Roof: How to Create a Serene Home

Almost anyone would want a quiet, peaceful home, especially in bustling areas. Thankfully, as a [...]
George Beltran
Reasons Why Your New Roof Shingles Are Not Lying Flat post thumbnail

Reasons Why Your New Roof Shingles Are Not Lying Flat

You won’t have to be concerned about your shingle’s functionality for years if you recently [...]
George Beltran
DIY Roof Repairs Vs. Professional Roof Repairs: Which Is Better? post thumbnail

DIY Roof Repairs Vs. Professional Roof Repairs: Which Is Better?

Dealing with roof issues is never fun and can be physically, mentally, and financially exhausting. [...]
George Beltran
Do Black Roof Shingles Cause Heat in a Home? post thumbnail

Do Black Roof Shingles Cause Heat in a Home?

More often than not, homeowners take their home’s exterior very seriously, including their roofing shingles. [...]
George Beltran
Elevate Your Home’s Curb Appeal With These Roofing Upgrades post thumbnail

Elevate Your Home’s Curb Appeal With These Roofing Upgrades

When people visit your home, the first thing they will most likely notice is your [...]
George Beltran
Does Your Metal Roof Need Maintenance? post thumbnail

Does Your Metal Roof Need Maintenance?

Metal roofs have several benefits, including longevity, durability, low maintenance, and energy efficiency. Many homeowners [...]
George Beltran