Lean-To Roof | Definition, Pros, and Cons post thumbnail

Lean-To Roof | Definition, Pros, and Cons

A lean-to roof, also called a shed roof or skillion roof, is a roof style [...]
George Beltran
Saltbox Roof | History, Uses, Pros, and Cons post thumbnail

Saltbox Roof | History, Uses, Pros, and Cons

A saltbox roof is a gable roof that ends at different heights. More often than [...]
George Beltran
Sawtooth Roof | History, Uses, Pros, and Cons post thumbnail

Sawtooth Roof | History, Uses, Pros, and Cons

A sawtooth roof has an order of ridges with different slants on either side. The [...]
George Beltran
Clerestory Roof | History, Uses, Pros, and Cons post thumbnail

Clerestory Roof | History, Uses, Pros, and Cons

A clerestory is an upper-story window wall or gable that extends from the ceiling to [...]
George Beltran
Jerkinhead Roof Design | Uses, Pros, and Cons post thumbnail

Jerkinhead Roof Design | Uses, Pros, and Cons

If you look at a jerkinhead roof from the sides, you will see what looks [...]
George Beltran
Mansard Roof Style: Description, History, Pros and Cons post thumbnail

Mansard Roof Style: Description, History, Pros and Cons

A mansard roof is an old-fashioned and unique roof style that stands out. It consists [...]
George Beltran
Bonnet Roof Design: History, Pros, and Cons post thumbnail

Bonnet Roof Design: History, Pros, and Cons

When you hear the word “bonnet roof,” the old-fashioned women’s hat comes to mind, right? [...]
George Beltran
Gable Roof: History, Types, Uses, Pros, and Cons post thumbnail

Gable Roof: History, Types, Uses, Pros, and Cons

Source: JamesBrey/Getty Images Roofs do more than just shelter us from the elements; they also [...]
William Workman